joyful life

What are you happy for today? What brings you joy?

As inspired by a post on quaint.handmade, which was inspired by the HSJ is a list of 5 things that make me happy today...

* TGIF. Good Friday! I know I just got back from vacation, but this change of pace has simply worn me out.
* My family and friends. You are all so very special to me. Happy Easter to you all!
* My creative juices. They're flowing more than ever & I am so excited to see what I do!
* Travel. I just can't get enough! The possibilities are endless. Come along for the ride!
* Chai Tea Lattes! I have been craving one all day...and soon I will have a hot little cup of my favorite drink in my cold little hands. I just love how such a simple thing can calm me so much.

Share your joyful list by commenting below. It warms my heart to read what makes you happy. Don't be shy.

Much love and have a joyful Easter!

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