Did you know, the month of May is Creative Beginnings Month? I haven't found much information regarding the origins of this celebration, but it sounds like a wonderful way to motivate some creative energy. There's no better time to start that new craft project you've been dreaming about, finish one that has been lingering in a between-the-creative-urges state, or share your creative passions or your new etsy shop with the world.
While there are a lot of makers out there who are fortunate enough to use their creativity daily and earn a living, the majority of us see creative projects as a hobby or luxury and sometimes tend to let life get in the way. If you identify with the latter, why not use this month as a challenge to nurture your creative spirit and enjoy dreaming up and creating something new? The creative process can enhance how you engage with other aspects of your life, including a boost of satisfaction and confidence from completing a project or learning a new skill. I for one, love the feeling I get when an idea or inspiration plucked from my mind comes to life.
The reality is, you can do and create almost anything. Sometimes it just takes the courage to get out of your comfort zone and see what happens. There may be times when you create something that doesn't quite turn out the way you had pictured it in your mind, but that is perfectly OK and for the most part expected. Not only did you try, you did what you set out to do...you created. Sometimes it's enough just to create something once, but if you choose you can do it over and over again until you have refined the process and end up with your perfect result. Either way, you will find satisfaction in knowing that you tried or you may even surprise yourself and create something you are profoundly proud of or maybe learn a valuable new skill. Why not find out?!
One easy way to come up with a creative project idea is to sit down and set a timer for 3 minutes. Quickly jot down all list of all of the creative things that you like to do or would like to learn how to do. Would you like to take a pottery class, write a poem, learn a new recipe, or play the piano? Whatever comes to mind, write it down. No judgment or worry about your skill level for now. When the timer goes off, read through your list and select a few ideas that you can begin immediately without buying additional supplies or signing up for a class. Then pick one and start today or even wait until tomorrow and see what continues to call you.
If you are interested in learning a new skill, Craftsy has classes for beginners and intermediates covering almost every crafty skill you can think of. There is seriously something for everyone and some classes are available for as little as $10. Some of my favorites are Professional Yarn Dyeing at Home, Metalsmithing At Home, and Creative Weaving Techniques.
Whatever your skill level, you most likely can begin right where you are with the tools and knowledge that you have. Just let the creative process meet you there. However, if the idea you have involves heavy machinery, fire, heavy duty adhesives or sharp objects, it is always best to sign up for a 101 class or professional guidance until you learn the basics and important safety measures. For intensive projects, invest in the building blocks and then see if your creative curiosity carries your forward.
For those of you looking for inspiration for your list or a few simple and free project DIYs, here is a list of 31 creative project ideas to choose from. Or one idea for every day of the month of May!
- Paint smooth stones with words or designs
- Try free writing a story, poem, or journal entry
- Relief paint botanical art
- Draw a mandala
- Make a leather tassel for a necklace or key chain
- Find new music and make a playlist
- Paint a mug with sharpies
- Make a flower arrangement
- Create candles from crayons
- Knit a scarf or hat
- Try a new recipe
- Make a concrete stool or faux concrete planter
- Make a succulent wreath or tea cup planter
- Paint with watercolors
- Make a yarn wall hanging
- Create abstract art with paper scraps
- Learn to fold origami
- Decorate pillows with embroidery, paint, or yarn.
- Paint a sweatshirt or t-shirt with watercolor designs
- Make simple raw stone earrings
- Weave a rag rug or a pot holder
- Sew an apron out of salvaged clothes
- Infuse simple syrups or olive oils
- Make kombucha or switchel
- Sew sachets and fill with lavender
- Embroider your pet's collar
- Try your hand at calligraphy or hand lettering
- Blend herbal bath bags or fizzy bath bombs
- Make a bird feeder or wind chime
- Make a simple jewelry organizer, or two
- Draw patterns on leggings or shirt sleeves with a bleach pen
If you have little ones at home, many of these ideas are kid-friendly and group projects are encouraged! You could also take a jar and fill it will all of the ideas from your creative project list and pull one idea out any time you need some inspiration. I see a few on this list I can't wait to try!
If you have a DIY you would like to add to this list or share the results of your project, please comment below. Otherwise, have some fun this May and let your creative spirit soar.
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