This holiday month has just flown by. I can't believe it is almost the new year! It's been a pretty magical month. With good grade...
Today is a first! This is the first ever music play list shared on my blog for all of my lovelies to enjoy! I meant to send this on December...
I'm taking a moment to whine to the Universe today...because a moment is exactly what I need right now. I'm tired of school. I'm...
originally uploaded by L Gordon . I need something calming today. It's already one of those days. Seriously...Is it Friday yet??...
Don't you just love collections?!?!?!? Today's gallery is made up of my favorite images of duplicates, collections, and groups of ...
originally uploaded by flypeterfly . It's a rainy day fact it is one of the first days in a while that the sun has ...
originally uploaded by  violet allen This is one of my most favorite galleries created from my August Break Faves. These photos are abs...
Hi All! I'm in the mood for a new header. A makeover. There are so many creative blog styles out there and I feel like my little blog ne...
originally uploaded by flypeterfly . Because I'm madly crazy excited for fall and the woods are on my mind... here's a galler...
So maybe I didn't do so well at keeping up on August Break, considering my last post was on August 19th, but I did have a lot of fun tak...
Reach , originally uploaded by . Yes...I'm still here. I took quite the hiatus, didn't I? This past week has been...
Happy , originally uploaded by . I accomplished sooooo much today! So far so good anyway. (Not to mention the cheerful su...
Stones , originally uploaded by . I'm craving the ocean today. I want to walk up and down our northwest rocky beaches...
Bubbles , originally uploaded by . Busy-Busy is back. Running my life as usual and stressing me out like crazy. Busy-busy s...
Rainy Day , originally uploaded by . It's a rainy day in Seattle. Big surprise you might say, but being summer, we...
Precious , originally uploaded by . Today was a pretty mellow day. If you factor out the traffic jam and the desk rattli...
Lavender Love , originally uploaded by . Somedays you just have to stop and smell the lavender. To inhale. To exhale. Touc...
Vibrancy , originally uploaded by . Today I am daydreaming. About who I want to be. About how I want to be seen. About t...
PikePlace , originally uploaded by MaraRayanne . I did the most ridiculous thing today. I woke up all excited, albeit early for a denti...
polaroid flower , originally uploaded by MaraRayanne . we are...Day 1 of the August Break. I'm excited for this month...
Hi All! It's been a usual. Summer class and work have been keeping me busy, but since the 4th of July break I am finally sta...
Many of us struggle with accepting compliments. Why is that? It could be low self-esteem, that we feel that we can do better or be better, o...
Hi Friends! Have I told you lately how amazing you all are? Seriously! Let me announce to the masses how unbelievably proud I am. Now...I...
Finally! I have my very own p-patch on Phinney Ridge! After 3 years on the wait list, I get my own little 10x10 of gardening paradise. The f...
I need a day off! Pretty funny considering I just got back from having 2 of them, however I didn't get to relax much because I have pro...