and so it begins...

Tonight was the first class of winter quarter and I am actually curious to see what happens in my Monday/Wednesday class. I am enrolled in "Managing Employees" and it seems that the class will be more about managing myself and developing my weaknesses into strengths in order to be an effective manager. I can definitely see some valuable information coming out of this class. Whether for a business position or for my dream job, Life Coach. After all, this is part of the training process for that dream career. I have to cultivate my strengths and learn how to assist others through that type of process. Experience is the best teacher.

On the way home from class I started to think about this. If I would like a career in inspiring and helping others to achieve their goals, if I want to hone my ability to share valuable information, and if I am going to learn interesting things that could possibly aid in helping someone with these things, why not share it now? So, I have decided to form a regular post on this little blog of mine to gift that knowledge. I am hoping it will be weekly, but it will depend on my homework load and definitely on available inspiration. I assume I will be learning something new and interesting every week, but you never know.

So...tune in on Wednesday for the first brain food post. I'll give you a's a quote...but it's a little too long to include here, so it will become your Wednesday "something to look forward to". (Because I know you all sit on pins and needles waiting for me to post!)

Speaking of "pins and needles", I have also joined the Project Restyle challenge on A Beautiful Mess and I am hoping my New Year's Resolution of crafting once a week will allow me to pass that challenge with flying colors. Watch for "before" and "after" posts on those recycle/reuse craft projects and hopefully some "how to's" if those ventures turn out well.

So that's a whole lot of "Coming Soon!" to promise, but I plan to follow through and I will see you soon. Even if I get busy and it's just to post a quick hello.

1 comment

  1. Ummm yes... I am most definitely looking forward to this class! Should be fun!

    Love your school wife... Vikki Ku
