video friday!

This morning I woke up to my alarm thinking it was Saturday. Not sure why. I went to bed with the understanding that I would have to get up for work today, but in my sleepy little mind the thought of staying in bed and doing weekend things must have sounded much better. It convinced itself it was Saturday.

So...after a quick check of the date...I got out of bed and did my morning routine while I daydreamed of creative projects and things I would love to incorporate into my life. One of the things that rose to the top is chalk art. Something much like the lovely art of Dana Tanamachi.

Have you heard of Dana? Have you seen her work?

If not - I highly recommend you check it out here and some of my faves below. I would love to have this on my walls at home...or better yet, in my dream shop...or as a headboard like the one shown in the video below.


Chalk installation at the Ace Hotel NYC, room 1021

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