Welcoming Life...

Last night at the end of yoga I was asked to welcome the feeling of joy into my body...to fill the room with that joy...then, to push it beyond the walls of the studio and fill the universe with the feeling of joy.

A year ago, and even a few months ago I would have been stuck searching for inspiration to grasp that feeling. But now, thanks to my wonderful family, friends and my creative spirit. That joy was already burning inside of me and it swelled to the point that my eyes began to water from how immense it was. That's a lot of joy!

I just wanted to take a moment to say "Thank You" to all of you who have touched my life and encourage me through both difficult times and creative journeys. I hope that I can provide all of you with the same wonderful support when it is needed.

Remember to create joy and allow yourself to feel it. You are worth every drop.


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