A little bit of honesty...

Hello dear friends...

I have to admit that I have been avoiding this little joyful blog for a while. I have had a rough go of it for the past few months with lots of little setbacks and a jam packed schedule that has left little room for inspiration. In fact, I have been pretty down lately and I've been chalking it up to a little bit of exhaustion and lots of frustration. It's been a bit overwhelming.

The New Year is fast approaching and I am crossing my fingers for a little bit of luck, asking the Universe for a little bit of give, and frantically tossing salt over my shoulder in hopes that superstition will save me. Maybe I need to travel back in time to my 31st birthday and clamp my mouth shut from saying "This is going to be the best year ever!" If I only had a time machine...maybe I wouldn't feel so jinxed.

I know...I'm awfulizing. I know I have it so much better than so many people. I know that. But today, I am allowing myself 2 more days of bad juju and then it's on to a brighter day. New Years will bring a new beginning - a fresh start and a new attitude for yours truly. Hopefully that means I will be back here soon and trading this old bitterness for a brand new pair of happy pants.

Happy New Juju Day to everyone! I hope it is shiny and fabulous!

1 comment

  1. Everyone has a right to feel cruddy every now and then. How about you give yourself a full day of cruddiness, then decide to feel better in time to enjoy the beginning of 2010?

    Choose to feel grateful for the good things 2009 brought you.

    Best wishes and Happy new year!!
