August 7th

Rainy Day, originally uploaded by

It's a rainy day in Seattle. Big surprise you might say, but being summer, we've actually had quite a few days of sun and this is the first in a while that has been fully rainy. Frankly, I don't mind it one bit.

It's a cozy day.

It's fresh outside.

It's rejuvenating.

While it may have ruined some Seattleites weekend plans, I have found it relaxing. Yesterday I played hookie from my housework and phototaking to hit the thrift store, buy groceries, and pick up a few half priced books. So many good finds! I came home with my treasures and relaxed with a drink and some netflix.

Today...with the rain outside...I was motivated to pick up where I left off on housework: Laundry, closet cleaning, dishes, reorganizing the kitchen cupboards, and any other nesting that seemed therapeutic. Then, I baked a sweet potato and some crackers. The rain makes all of this that much more comforting and I don't feel as bad about spending a summer day indoors.

Let the rain nurture your spirit.

1 comment

  1. It sounds like you had a lovely day! I'm glad I found you through The August Break. It seems we have some favorite sites in common. :)
