hey, "monday"...

And so begins the "rainy" season here in Seattle. We had some beautiful weather over Easter weekend to usher in the first few days of Spring, but the past few days have been a little bipolar. Just like the weather outside I've been feeling a little scattered (hence the late afternoon "monday" post...trust me, it's a long story). While creativity is flowing strong again (hooray!) I'm having trouble deciding where to put my attention first. I'm constantly making lists and pulling together inspirations, but I feel a little overwhelmed by all of the possibilities. So, this week I've decided to embrace the confusion.

This week I will choose to cultivate my creativity. To let the ideas bloom and grow and tend to them if they become too wild. I will water them madly, like the spring rain outside my window, and harvest them when they are ready to enjoy. It is time for rebirth, rejuvenation and growth. Remember to be sweet to your seedlings and allow some big ideas to bloom!

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