give yourself an august break

I am filled with a mix of relief, panic and excitement at the thought of beginning a new month. Can you believe it's already August? There's been lots of changes/movements/upgrades happening around my personal space and I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a break! An August Break

For those of you who aren't familiar, August Break is a month long photo project created by Susannah Conway designed to provide a break from blogging and coming up with regular blog post ideas. I have participated in (or attempted to) for several years now (see them here) and I LOVE the boost of photography inspiration it brings. This year, the goal is to make it all the way through the month with a photo post here every weekday. 

So, why relief, panic and excitement? Well...

I'm relieved because I will have something to contribute to this space every day even though I am feeling highly uninspired lately. Panic because summer is winding down quickly and there some big changes coming at work that I am not sure I am ready to tackle. Excitement because I am pledging to stop a bad habit for the whole month of August (with a foolproof way to succeed!) and I think it's going to do wonders for my creativity. 

Gearing up for a month full of possibilities and inspiration...

Here are this week's goals: 
1. Give up one habit. (For me: I'm kicking TV for the whole month of August.)
2. Be Active. (For me: jog for one mile. One giant leap in my foot injury recovery process.)
3. Create Sacred Space. (For me: Organize and set up my studio/creativity nook.)

How are you feeling about this next transition? Is there one thing you plan to do to make the most of this next month? It can be as simple as jogging, organizing, or even unplugging the power cord from your TV and storing at your boyfriend's house so you can't even turn it on. Simple, right? 

Make the most of the month ahead. That's the funny thing about time...use it or lose it! How can you take advantage of the next 744 hours?

Check out these goals from others around the web...


  1. Yay! For August's definitely needed around here. I hope to keep up this time around.

    August will definitely be a transitional month for me - I'll be packing and moving, and hope to organize and minimize what I own as I go along.

    I admire your goal to give up TV this month. I'm sure you'll love all the extra time. Enjoy your month!

    1. Sounds like August is going to be so productive for you! I'll pop over to your blog space for some August Break eye candy and updates on how these big changes are going for you. Can't wait to hear more about it!

  2. Have fun with the August break, I'll be having another stab at it as well. Go for it with the TV, not sure I could do it, but having just completed the Dry July challenge - no alcohol for the whole month (a really serious challenge for me) not doing something everyday was easier than I expected....

    I'm loving reading your weekly goals and will be taking up my pedometer during August


    1. Wow! No alcohol for a month!? I would definitely miss my occasional glass of wine, especially during the long summer days. Way to go!

      My pedometer has totally changed my attitude towards walking and jogging. I love seeing the totals at the end of the week (when I commit myself well) and challenging myself to keep it going.

      Can't wait to see you in the August Break!
