hey, monday...

Get creative. Sit yourself down with all that inspires you and start putting pieces together. Begin to paint your masterpiece. String together beautiful jewels. Stitch that stunning bag. Take the magical story swirling around in your mind and put it down on paper. Whatever your form of creativity may be...paint, wood, fabric, or the written word...create a little something this week just for you. The goal? Feed your creativity. Inspire yourself. Push it to the next level. Then, if you choose, share it with an interested someone so they may be inspired too.

This week, between check boxes on "The List", I will continue to piece together royal treasures. I will push myself to work on new forms of branding and packaging. I will get ready, set, go. I should have everything I need and absolutely no excuses. I just need to put in time and spirit to make the creative equation work and this week I have both. Overflowing. Excited. Ready.

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