Bring me some ease this week. After a weekend full of preparing, talking, remembering, and grieving our loss with family and friends I am aching for a little bit of calm.
Take time to soak it all in and remember that grief will come in waves and when we least expect it. Hold space for that and remember that we are all walking through life with this burden. Offer understanding and respect to others who are carrying the same.
Allow time for reflection. To take stock of the relationships which haven't been nurtured in a while. Open the doors to bringing those connections back to life. You need your community and your community needs you. Set aside your reservations of how long it's been since you picked up the phone. If you continue to wait...that gap will just grow longer and heavier and harder to carry.
Look over the unwatered gardens of your life. What needs tending? The gardens will bloom, but they will bloom much more if you are present and spend some time there.
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