looking forward to a new week

My once clean coffee table and latest book stack. This is the lifestyle it dreams to live. 

Last week I started at square one with a new weekly goal setting project. Read more about that here.

For the first week, the goals were simple and straightforward, but sadly I must report that I did not earn a 100% on this week's assignment. (It used to kill me to not earn a "perfect" score, but ever since perfection and I broke up I'm in a much better place.) Unfortunately, on Wednesday I came down with a cold and my efforts were severely hijacked.

To recap, last week's goals were to 1) wake up by 7:30am every day, 2) make smoothies for breakfast and 3) purge unwanted belongings and rearrange furniture.

While I did wake up before 7:30am every day, I admit I crawled back into bedland one day out of five for some much needed TLC. (p.s. I'm giving myself weekends off...or let's say they're "optional.") The smoothie making gave way on Thursday and Friday in favor of an enormous intake of juice, but hey...that counts, right? And at this moment there are various "cleaning" piles taking over my apartment instead of a new furniture layout, but I did unearth at least a box of "useless to me" junk for my thrift store donation. I'm not nearly close to done with #3, but at least significant progress was made.  All in all, I'm giving myself a B+.

In the past, when taking on big new goals and audacious lifestyle changes, a week like this would have thrown me off track and I would have given up right then and there. I would vow to start again another day when my pinkie didn't hurt, the light bulb wasn't burnt out, or my acne cleared up. (This is a gross exaggeration of my regular "excuses", but sadly they have just about as much clout.) I'm happy to report that this week is different, and I still feel the momentum. Onward!

Here are this week's goals:
1. Wake up by 7:15am.
2. Strive for ZERO dishes in the sink every night.
3. Smile more and use breathing techniques to reduce stress at work.
Bonus: Try new recipes for better tasting smoothies.

If you are joining me for this weekly project keep in mind that these goals should build upon last week's. Either by improving on last weeks goal (add another baby step) or by altering it if it wasn't working for you. Or you could choose to add totally new ones (like my zero dish and smiling goals) if you feel you are now the Smoothie Master, or the *Insert Your Goal Here* Master. For me, I will continue to work on cleaning out my apartment and making smoothies for breakfast, but felt comfortable with adding a few more to the mix.

How is your list coming? Can't wait to see what you pledge for this week!

*** Link up your weekly goals by pledging them in the comments, or by linking to a blog post. Add your thumbnail link below. Some people disagree, but sharing your goal publicly can often increase your chances of follow through. And remember, I'm rooting for you! ***

Check out these goals from others around the web...


  1. I love your goals, they are inspiration and help me to go ahead too!
    Slowly but steady improving to live the best life we can imagine! Happy to be together on this adventure.
    Wish you a beautiful day

  2. Thanks Eos! So excited to see what you are sharing as well!
